Tuesday, April 17, 2012

you fit me better than my favorite sweater

I know, I know. It's been a LONG time. But Stefania and I have been soupz busy with stuff! ...not really

Anyways, we all know pastels are ~~pretty~~ and everyone on Tumblr likes to post pictures of pretty rosettes and lace and misty pictures with BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLIES.

I think there's this other side of pastel where it's so perfect it's sterile. And this kind of ties into the English class I'm in right now, a science fiction/dystopia course. Pastels are SO superficial, but they're like overachievers. They sort of become that gum that you've been chewing for 3 hours that gets really gross and you can't get the taste out of your mouth except with more gum. THERE YOU HAVE IT, pastels are like gross gum.

Also, pastels are sort of stuck up. They don't really mix well with other shades. I mean, they certainly CAN, but they usually don't. Ok, afterthought=over.

Unfortunately, I don't have a whole stock of "sterile pastel" photos. I love pastel, don't get me wrong. This specific section is just a little too creepy and perfect for my taste. 

Love, C


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

as promised

My camera got developed! I have two sets of the pictures, which actually turned out to be a good thing. Now I can give one away and keep one for myself!
The pictures on the camera ranged from my college visits to good ol' Chicago "spring."
So bear with me as you look at the pictures. I do NOT claim to be a photographer. Trust me.

 Disco ball!

 A lot of the pictures were of food. Yum

An awesome store I went to in a college town 

That's me! According to a friend, I look like an old man.

In case you couldn't tell, this is the sky.

A scarf in a dressing room in a vintage store. In another college town.

Me again! (Not?) looking like an old man. I'm wearing a shirt from Nordstrom, a skirt from a flea market at ANOTHER college and DIY saddle shoes.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

such a wonder

Hi everyone. I know, I know we haven't posted in like 2 and a half weeks. But we went on Spring Break! Mine wasn't thaaaat exciting, but I'll have more on that later.
So what's new? Unfortunately, not much. Today I found that my hair is finally half an inch past my shoulders. Success!

I came upon this AMAZING tumblr which is really amazing. Seriously. Check it out. 

That and March's theme on RookieMag have really gotten me into nature and my surroundings, which will (hopefully)(probably not) be reflected by some pictures I'll post LATER. Seriously guys! Stop stressing me out :((. Maybe this is somehow connected to the post I did about Spring and warm weather and flowers, but I think I'm just tired of being stuck in this weird and somewhat chilly weather. I'm really excited for clouds and birds and trees and PRETTY THINGS because I'm just a ~~**girly girl**~~ at <3heart. I think I'm just looking forward to big open fields with green grass. Then Jenny and Forrest Gump are going show up and we'll make flower crowns and sing Bobby Dylan songs on Jenny's guitar. 

1-5 are from the aforementioned tumblr (which is super amazing, so SERIOUSLY JUST LOOK AT IT)(please), unknown from herePatagonia (my dream)


PS. My friend Rebecca wrote her own shoutout: "my best friend fo lyfe is awesome and my favorite and her name is rebecca." She rocks, guys. Not as much as Forrest Gump, but still.
FG+JC 4EVR (that's Forrest and Jenny, in case you didn't know)(gaw Karen you're so stupid!)